首 页>悬疑片>边境法规
  • 边境法规

  • 主演:Yilmaz Güney  Pervin Par  Hikmet Olgun  
  • 状态:正片
  • 导演:Lutfi  Akad  
  • 年份:1966
  • 地区:其它
  • 更新:2023-09-03 23:12
  • 简介:Life at the border is very tough. The land is stony and dry, farmers plough fields of sand and illegal trafficking seems to be the only way to make a living. In Deliviran, a village near Urfa close to the Syrian border, Hidir’s chief is involved in smuggling and gets shot. Hidir tries to stay out of illegal activities but circumstances contrive to push him in the opposite direction until he accepts to take a herd of sheep across the border. Amidst poverty and the landmines Hidir struggles to keep his dream and his young son alive.

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