首 页>恐怖片>可见黑暗
  • 可见黑暗

  • 主演:Jaz Deol  沙尤尼·古普塔  希玛·比斯瓦斯  
  • 状态:正片
  • 导演:尼尔·比斯瓦斯  
  • 年份:2017
  • 地区:英国
  • 更新:2023-09-03 22:38
  • 简介:Londoner Ronnie embarks on a journey to India when his mother, Suleka, goes missing and mysteriously ends up in a Kolkata hospital. Before Ronnie can unravel the mystery of what brought his mother back to her homeland, Suleka dies in an apparent cult killing. Further deaths point to a series of past murders that stopped 28 years ago when Suleka left India with her infant son. Until now.  As the darkness within Ronnie grows and the murders reach their peak, all roads lead to the feared witch of Kolkata's insane asylum.

  • 网络云播
  • 人民万岁0.0HD国语
  • 比佛利山超级警探40.0HD中字
  • 硬汉狙击0.0正片
  • FPS0.0HD中字
  • 冰下的鱼0.0正片
  • 犯罪都市40.0HD机翻中字
  • 哥伦布传0.0正片
  • 安德的游戏0.0正片
  • 国父孙中山与开国英雄0.0正片
  • 父亲的菜单2.0HD高清
  • 双雄会3.0HD高清
  • 愿望树0.0正片