首 页>恐怖片>碎玉溅飞花
  • 碎玉溅飞花

  • 主演:布莱恩·唐莱维  埃拉·雷恩斯  黄柳霜(Anna May Wong)  
  • 状态:正片
  • 导演:Arthur  Lubin  
  • 年份:1949
  • 地区:美国
  • 更新:2023-09-03 22:49
  • 简介:Walter Williams (Brian Donlevy) is a take-charge captain of industry who has worked his way up in a San Francisco steel company from a position as a sheet metal worker. He loves his wife Irene (Helen Walker) very much and they have planned a vacation drive together. Irene cancels at the last minute claiming a toothache, but asks that Walter drive her cousin Jim Torrance (Tony Barrett) as far as Illinois. Walter agrees and he and Jim take off together but later Jim knocks Walter unconscious and takes the car only to be hit himself by a truck and killed, his body burned beyond recognition. Walter comes to and suffering a concussion and deep confusion from feeling betrayed by Irene hides out in a small Midwest town until guilt and peer pressure force him to go back to San Francisco and tell his story to the Police. But by the time Walter returns to San Francisco a clever detective Lieutenant Quincy (Charles Coburn) has uncovered some facts about Irene and her cousin' Jim. The police have been holding Irene for the murder of her husband Walter but release her considering that Walter was hiding out because he had killed Jim. Along the way to uncovering the truth in Court Walter realizes some hard fact about what he holds valuable and the trust he has put in those around him.

  • 网络云播
  • 人民万岁0.0HD国语
  • 硬汉狙击0.0正片
  • FPS0.0HD中字
  • 冰下的鱼0.0正片
  • 犯罪都市40.0HD机翻中字
  • 小小恶信件0.0HD中字
  • 幽灵船20020.0正片
  • 妓院里的回忆0.0正片
  • 心惊胆战2.0HD高清
  • 怪谈新耳袋百物语0.0正片
  • 萌犬好声音42.0正片
  • 原罪之幻命1.0正片